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  Is Edinburgh Castle the most iconic Scottish attraction there is?   It most definitely is. The scenic views, over-whelming history and culture that it brings to the city of Edinburgh. The Landmark attracts more than 2 million visitors each year which shows just how popular this attraction is. When you visit this attraction, you must go to the one of the many viewpoints the castle has overlooking the landscape of Scotland's capital city and also you must visit the oldest building in Scotland - St Margarets chapel named after queen Margaret.   Star/visitor rating- ★★★★★ Location   Edinburgh Castle is close to the city Centre, if you are travelling by train the easiest station to get off at is Waverly and from there it is a short uphill walk to the castle. if you are travelling by bus the Airlink 100 express runs from Edinburgh airport to the city Centre and takes around 30 minutes.   Facilities Available in 12 languages, there is a range of gift shops plotted throughout the area, a

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