Target Market / Booking

Those who are likely to visit the castle are Tourists, day trippers less likely to be locals from Edinburgh but I think people from other parts of Scotland are regular visitors and are intrigued by the unknown of the castle. They may have seen and heard of the castle but have never actually visited it.

Specifically, I think the castle is more for historians as I feel they would get the most enjoyment out of all artifacts and the history the castle holds. However, I do think that those who may not know a lot about the castle would thoroughly enjoy it and learn so much information because out of my 19 years of living in Scotland and having visited Edinburgh countless times I had never been as i just wasn't overly interested but now I have been I'm glad and I have learned so much.


For those interested in visiting and wanting to book a visit you can either book online or at the castle on the day however I recommend online for cheaper tickets, less hassle on the day and you will be guaranteed access.

To book online visit


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